Info You Need to Configure Your Canoe Paddle

  1. Select Product Model
  2. Select Blade Size
  3. Determine Paddle Length Minimum

Athletes ‘s name and phone number added to paddle on a removable sticker.

Braca canoe paddle length, how to pick a length

Canoe Paddle Length Minimum

Measure from feet to bridge of nose in cm.

  • If still growing this is your minimum.
  • If full grown then can subract a cm for minimum.
  • Some athletes prefer to use the paddle unextended so use the exact min.

Paddle length will be the minimum plus 5 cm, so 155 to 160 cm for example.
For a 10 cm range paddle, in this example your paddle would be 155 to 165 cm.

Coaches are your best resource for deciding paddle length! Please contact us with any questions