720 – A Great Addition to Braca Blade Size Choices!
The Braca IV and XI have been available in two mid-sizes 705 and 735. Athletes who wanted something in between 705 and 735 were stuck in limbo. But now, Braca has listened to the people and introduced a 720 size! This is a great option for athletes who want a larger blade without making too big of a jump and swamping their cadence or a smaller blade without losing too much power. So if you’re interested in a new paddle size check out the 720 Braca paddle.
Great option for people who want to balance out 2 paddle sizes for different venues.
The 705 and 735 are our most popular sizes so it is great news to add a middle choice to give athletes more options to configure their ideal paddle. Paddlers who train in different water types will find the 720 a great balance for their larger flatwater or smaller surfski option.
720 New Blade Size for Braca IV and Braca XI Van Dusen ’92
FastPaddler takes its responsibility as Braca’s exclusive USA distributor seriously. That’s why we have so many of the possible configurations of Braca paddles in stock and ready to ship.
The 720 is available now in standard, extra light, marathon, and surfski models. The surfski XI is in stock, and the surfski IV is a special order.
Each increase in paddle size (from 705 to 720 to 735) results in a 15 sq cm increase in surface area. This means that the additional area along the outside edges is 2-3 mm wider. It results in a paddle approximately 10-20 grams heavier, the same weight as about 2-4 quarters. See blade sizes for every Braca model here.
Shafts Options for the 720 Blade
These are some guidlines for shaft choices. Generally we pair stiffer shafts with larger blades like the Braca I or larger Braca XI blades. As the 720 is a midsize blade there will be a wide variety of athletes and applications that use a 720. For example a smaller size sprinter will want a stiffer shaft while a larger surfski paddler may opt for a 19K. Contact us for any questions.
- 17K to 19K, for long distance paddlers
- 19K or 21K, with a plastic locker for corrosion of salt water
- 17K, 19K, 21K, go softer for less joint stress
- Any of the stiffer options from 02K to 17K, possibly a memory lock
All Braca Shaft Options

Paddle FAQ’s
Hand Control
Select Right Hand or Left Hand
We can assemble your paddle for either right-handed or left-handed lever use, ensuring easier adjustments and improved visibility of the markings. This setup refers to the orientation of the lever and does not affect performance or require you to be right- or left-handed. A right-handed assembly positions the lever for convenient length adjustments using your right hand, especially when on the water.
Braca shafts are round, perfectly balanced, and can be built in either orientation. In the diagram below with green arrows, the paddle is configured for right-handed use; a left-handed setup simply involves flipping the shaft 180 degrees.
Braca-sport Wing Paddles Selection
To help answer the question: What should I get for my first wing paddle?
Braca paddles are meticulously designed and manufactured to deliver exceptional performance for all athletes. Given the diverse range of athletes and environments, there are numerous ways to customize the paddle to create an ideal and personalized experience.
Selecting a Blade Shape
Braca offers the most diverse selection of wing paddle designs. Braca kayak paddle designs are avilable in a dozen different shapes, each with their specific characteristics. With four distinct design families, the top two are the most widely used.
- Tear Drop | Classic wing shape with mild twist
- Extreme Tear Drop | Wing with more extreme twist
- Parallel Edge | Leading and trailing edges run parallel
- Hybrid Fusion | Hybrid of features
We recommend these two paddles, our top sellers and all of their options are in stock:
Braca IV – a teardrop wing paddle with slight twist
The Braca IV is one of the most popular paddle designs in the world. It is the original wing paddle developed first by Braca. Favored by many World and Olympian sprinters this is a solid choice. The Braca IV shape offers blade sizes from 610 to 765 and then the Braca I, the same design but bigger, from 775 to a whopping 840. The Braca IV also has a 60% carbon option that makes a great wing paddle for youth, masters, marathon due to the more forgiving performance of 60% carbon. The Braca IV Carbon 60 is also priced less than full carbon paddles and is a club team favorite.
Braca XI Van Dusen – a teardrop wing paddle with extreme twist
The Braca XI is equally popular and in use at high levels of competition worldwide. The Braca XI Van Dusen is an extreme twist paddle, while that sounds extreme it actually a smooth and efficient paddle. It is designed to provide smooth power at varied cadences. It plants solidly and performs for athletes at all levels, including the very top. The Braca XI Van Dusen ’92 is a great shape to take a look at, it’s one of our most popular paddles for its power at varied cadences. A solid performer that uses rotation to great advantage. Designed by Ted Van Dusen in ’92 and licensed by Braca.
Selecting a Construction
Braca provides a wide range of constructions, allowing you to customize your paddle according to your conditions. Surfski blades, known for their stiffness, lightness, and strength, are recommended for most paddlers, including those on flatwater. For specific conditions such as rocky or shallow waters, the Marathon and Down River constructions are ideal.
Possible blade constructions are:
- Standard: Our regular 100% carbon construction paddle
- Surfski: Reinforced for reverse forces of bracing and current in all waters, stiff and light
- Extra Light: A lighter, stiffer version approx 20 to 100 g lighter than a standard
- Carbon 60: Durable, slightly heavier blade at lower price point for club, masters, marathon, youth
- Marathon: Kevlar tips for durability for rugged conditions
- Down River: edge of the blade is reinforced with metal for severe conditions
- Soft: A more forgiving performance blade often used for stress reduction
Extra Light and Surfski are the most popular choices. Surfski is not just for ocean paddling.
Selecting a Blade Size
Several factors go into selecting a blade size.
- Athlete Size: The physical dimensions of the paddler, including height and strength, impact the ideal blade size. Larger athletes may benefit from larger blades to harness more power, while smaller athletes might find smaller blades more manageable.
- Distance: The distance you plan to cover affects blade size. For longer distances, a balance between efficiency and reduced fatigue is essential. Smaller blades may be favored for endurance paddling.
- Stroke Rate: Blade size is directly connected to stroke rate. Larger blades can provide more power but may result in a slower stroke rate. Athletes often choose a size that aligns with their preferred stroke rate and paddling style.
- Environment: The type of water and environmental conditions also play a role. In windy or choppy conditions, a smaller blade may be advantageous for stability and control, whereas larger blades can be more suitable for calm waters.
- Injury Prevention: The risk of injury is a crucial consideration. Using a blade size that allows for a natural and comfortable paddling motion can contribute to injury prevention. Athletes recovering from specific injuries may benefit from adjusting blade size to reduce strain.
As an example these are the Braca XI blade sizes: 675 705 720 735 750 760 775 795 805 815.
Selecting Paddle Length
Your paddle has a generous 10 cm adjustment range with the 19k or 21k shaft, allowing you to easily set it to a shorter or longer length as needed.
More info Coming Soon
Selecting A Shaft
Braca manufactures their own shafts and they are designed and woven to provide ideal flex characteristics. You can pick a specific shaft stiffness and custom paddle length, adjustable to 5 or 10 cm. In general the larger the blade the stiffer the shaft. Sprinter shafts have metal connectors and all others have plastic.
Braca shafts are circular in shape with the 21K having a slighly smaller diameter. Braca 19K and 21K have a subtle woven texture making it easy to grip your paddle without adding tape if that’s your preference.
Each paddle has a reduced selection of available shafts. Your paddle selection will indicate available shafts, for example a large Braca XI sprint blade will only show the stiffest sprinter shafts as options. The recommended approach is to use stiff, well-made blades (such as Braca!) and accomodate flexibility through the shaft.
Shaft model numbers(K) = mm of deflection
Least Flexible
- 01K: Stiffness = 2.3 – 2.4 — Sprinter
- 02K: Stiffness = 2.5 – 2.6 — Sprinter
- 03K: Stiffness = 2.7 – 2.8 — Sprinter
- 04K: Stiffness = 2.9 – 3.0 — Sprinter
- 06K: Stiffness = 3.1 – 3.2 — Sprinter
- 17K: Stiffness = 3.3 – 3.4 — Sprint, Marathon, Flatwater Fitness, Mild Ocean
- 18K: Stiffness = 3.2 – 3.5 — Down River paddles use the 18K shaft
- 19K: Stiffness = Medium 3.2 – 3.6 — Sprint, Marathon, Fitness, Surfski
- 19K: Sitffness = Soft 4.5 – 4.7 — Sprint, Marathon, Fitness, Surfski
- 21K: Stiffness = Medium 5.2 – 5.4 — Fitness, Surfski
- 21K: Stiffness = Soft 6.1 – 6.3 — Fitness, Surfski
Most Flexible
Some general guidelines:
Our most popular configuration is the 19K with the 21k a close second, racing, marathon, surfski, fitness training.
The majority of USA paddlers use flexible options like 19K and 21K, or if prefer stiffer alternatives then the 06K and 17K
Use a softer shaft for surfski, the 19K or 21K, with plastic connectors for durability in salt water.
For marathon, long distance competitors, we recommend the 19K
For sprinters, with their large blades, use the stiffest shafts, pros use most stiff, 02K, 03K, 04K.
All youth paddles have specifically designed shafts with more flex similar to Braca IV carbon 60 10K shaft
Down River paddles use the 18K shaft only, specifically designed for downriver conditions. Marathon blades could use any but consider softer options.
Preventing an injury? Go as soft as possible and also consider softer blades such as Carbon 60 or Soft Blade
Shaft Stiffness Choice by Sport
Sprinters – 02k to 17k
Surfski – 19k, 21k — always with plastic locker for salt water
Marathon, Distance – 19k
Fitness, Training – 17k, 19k, 21k — mostly 19k with plastic locker
Downriver – Down River blades use an 18K shaft with metal locker, specifically designed for down river conditions.
Selecting Paddle Angle (Feather)
When ordering an adjustable paddle you do not need to pick a feather angle as all adjustable paddles offer flexibility, allowing you to set the feather angle anywhere from 0 to 90 degrees. Adjusting the paddle feather angle is easily achieved by loosening the connector and rotating the shaft according to the marks. The paddle feather angle is a key topic of discussion among users! It is generally determined by the angle at which your paddle enters the water; a higher water entry angle indicates a higher paddle feather angle setting. Surfskiers often prefer lower feather angles, with some opting for 0 degrees. K1 sprinters generally maintain a feather angle of around 60 degrees. If you order a one-piece paddle (available upon request) you will need to select your paddle feather angle as it will be a fixed-length one-piece shaft with no connector.
High twist paddles such as Braca XI are designed such that the paddle angle should not be set above 60 degrees.
Selecting Braca Carbon Shafts
Our shafts stand out uniquely in the industry, these are not industrial tubes! Braca shafts are meticulously woven for top-tier performance in every sport. With 30 years of expertise in manufacturing shafts to meet the design specs of each sport, we take pride in delivering unparalleled quality.
Braca-Sport offers a range of shaft options with different characteristics to suit the needs of various paddlers. Designed for Olympic and World events, Braca shafts cover the needs from short sprint to marathon and surfski. Braca shafts are custom fabricated for each type of paddle by Braca-sport in their Lithuanian factory.
Customization of your blade design, blade size, shaft, and paddle length is unique in the industry!
Shaft Nomenclature
Shafts are identified by a model number (#K) or by the amount of deflection in mm such as 3.2 mm. When you order you will see the selection of shafts that correspond to your blade choice. Since some shafts have a range of deflection we use the K number for ordering.
For example you might order: Braca XI 735 with a 19K shaft.
Braca Shafts
There is also an 18K Down river and a 10K for Carbon IV 60

How to Select a Shaft
Each paddle has a selection of available shafts. Your paddle selection will indicate available shafts, for example a Braca IV 60 blade only uses a 10K, 19K, or 21K. The recommended approach is to use stiff, well-made blades (such as Braca!) along with shafts that then provide the necessary flexibility.
- Our most popular configuration is the 19K for medium and long distances, marathon, surfski, fitness training.
- The majority of USA paddlers use flexible options like 19K and 21K, or stiffer alternatives like 06K and 17K
- Use a softer shaft for surfski, 19K or 21K, with plastic connectors for durability in salt water.
- For marathon, long distance, we recommend the 19K
- For sprinters, with their large blades, use the stiffest shafts, pros use most stiff, 02K, 03K, 04K. We also have super stiff 01K in stock upon request!
- All youth paddles have specifically designed shafts with more flex such as the 10K
- Down River paddles use the 18K shaft only
- Preventing an injury? Go as soft as possible and also consider soft blades such as Carbon 60
- 1-piece shafts available on request
How Deflection is Measured
Deflection is measured by hanging a weight from the shaft and measuring the deflection that occurs. Deflection is in mm and ranges from 1 to 6.5.

Shaft Stiffness Choice by Sport
Sprinters – 02k to 17k
Surfski – 19k, 21k — always with plastic locker for salt water
Marathon, Distance – 19k
Fitness – 17k, 19k, 21k — mostly 19k with plastic locker
Downriver – Down River blades use an 18K shaft with metal locker, specifically designed for down river conditions.
Shaft Choices by Stiffness Rating
Sprint shafts, 5 cm of adjustment, and metal lockers.
02K: Stiffness = 2.5 to 2.6 mm of deflection
03K: Stiffness = 2.7 to 2.8 mm of deflection
04K: Stiffness = 2.9 to 3.0 mm of deflection
06K: Stiffness = 3.1 to 3.2 mm of deflection
17K: Stiffness = 3.3 to 3.4 mm of deflection
Distance, Surfski, Fitness shafts with 10 cm of adjustment, and plastic/metal (19k) or only plastic locker (21k)
19K: Stiffness = Medium 3.2 – 3.6 mm of deflection
19K: Stiffness = Soft 4.5 -4.7 mm of deflection — ** This is the most selected shaft
21K: Stiffness = Medium 5.2 – 5.4 mm of deflection
21K Stiffness = Soft 6.1 – 6.3 mm of deflection (Smaller 28mm diameter)
Memory Lock Connector
We have a few of these newly designed shafts that hold your settings when paddle is taken apart.

Downriver Blades
These IV and XI blades have an even more rugged, specially designed, 18k shaft for downriver conditions

Why 19K and 21K Shafts Were Developed
Braca has had flexible hybrid shafts for a while, 05K and 09K, blend of fiberglass and carbon. Before the 19K and latest 21K these were the most flexible shafts they offered, with the 17K being the softest all carbon shaft. Feedback from the Surfski community spearheaded by Oscar was there was a need a softer all carbon shaft that was light and has a very fast recovery unlike the hybrid kevlar/fiberglass shafts. Braca came out with the 19K which was the softest all carbon shaft available with only a couple of the hybrid shafts overall softer. Year and half ago, Oscar visited the Braca factory for a week and half and worked with them on developing an even softer all carbon shaft, the 21K. Braca manufactures their own carbon fiber that they actually sell to many industries outside of kayaking, and also manufactures all their own shafts.
So to make the 21K super flexible, while keeping it 100% carbon to maintain the quick recovery, Braca had to make the diameter smaller, 28mm. This allowed them to get the flex they wanted, super fast recovery and still meet their durability spec. Really cool shaft if you have not tried. I (Chris C.) personally love it in the ocean.
Choosing Connectors
Shafts are available in a combination of metal and plastic connectors (lockers). Stiffer shafts are used with metal lockers and more flexible surfski shafts are used with plastic lockers. In the middle, the athlete can select metal or plastic for the 19K. Plastic lockers are lighter, extremely durable, have angle settings for feathering, and are more resistant to saltwater corrosion. The memory lock option holds your feather angle when dismantled and reconnected and is available for all shafts and is primarily geared for flatwater sprinters for whom angle is critical.
More Shaft Considerations
The stiffness of the shaft can impact the paddle’s performance. Some paddlers prefer a stiffer shaft for maximum power and efficiency, while others may prefer a bit more flexibility for distance and comfort.
Varied Water Conditions
When paddling in different water conditions, like the ocean or river, where you might need to speed up to catch waves, stabilize yourself (bracing), or navigate through moving water, it’s essential to choose the right paddle shaft. The softest shafts, 21K and 19K, are specifically made for these unpredictable conditions, but you can also consider using a 17K. It’s important to note that the 19K and 21K shafts come with plastic connectors, while all other shafts have metal connectors that are susceptible to salt water. If you’re using a paddle with metal connectors, make sure to disassemble and rinse them after each use, especially if you’ve been paddling in saltwater.
Injury Prevention or Accommodation
For paddlers wanting to take it easy on their joints and reduce the risk of injury then the more flexible shafts are indicated. Both the older and younger folks can benefit from using more flexible setups to reduce stress and add shock absorption. This shift helps the shaft absorb more of the stress and shock, taking some of the load off your joints. You might lose a tiny bit of power, but it’s hardly noticeable unless you’re a top-tier paddler doing short sprints. Youth paddles have their own flexible shafts to protect young joints.
Custom Manufactured for Your Sport in Lithuania by Braca!

Shafts Ready for Cutting
In house manufacturing of all shafts

Mandrils for Shafts
Details that create balance and performance

PrePreg Shafts
Material excellence
How to Order Adjustable Kayak Paddle Length
Paddle length for adjustable paddles is entered as a range. The range is the minimum plus 5 cm or 10 cm
Braca paddles are assembled to order using your custom paddle length. The shaft you select will have an adjustable range of 5 cm (stiffer shafts) or 10 cm (more flexible shafts). To assemble your paddle we need the shortest and longest length in cm. For example, a Braca IV with an 06K shaft might be 210 – 215 cm. A Braca XI with a 19K shaft might be 210 – 220 cm.
Shafts are cut from both ends to maintain balance.
We take your shaft length minimum and cut the shaft equally from each end.

How to Order your Paddle Length
STEP 1 – After selecting blade type and size select your shaft.
Your blade choices will preselect the available shafts and they will display like this:

STEP 2 – Enter custom paddle length.
You may have both 5 or 10 cm options:

Or just 5 cm for example:

Chart for Paddle Lengths
O2K through 17K are stiffer shafts and have 5 cm of range. 18K shafts are for Down river blades. 19K, 21K are all around shafts that may also be used on both surski and K1 so the extra range of 10 cm can accomodate different seat heights. 10K shafts are for the Carbon 60 blade and have 10 cm adjustment.
Shaft Stiffness | Adjustable Range | Some Examples of Custom Paddle Lengths |
Find your shaft value | This is the range of the adjustable shaft | These are just examples, you can use any custom length! |
02K, 03K, 04K, 06K, 17K, 18K | 5 cm | 203 – 208 cm210 – 215 cm215- 220 cm |
19K, 21K, 10K | 10 cm | 205 – 215 cm207 – 217 cm210 – 220 cm |
Shaft Stiffness
02K, 03K, 04K, 06K, 17K, 18K
Adjustable Range
5 cm
Some Examples of Custom Paddle Lengths
203 – 208 cm
210 – 215 cm
215- 220 cm
Shaft Stiffness
19K, 21K
Adjustable Range
10 cm
Some Examples of Custom Paddle Lengths
205 – 215 cm
207 – 217 cm
210 – 220 cm
Braca Blade Constructions
We carry every available blade type!
Blade Constructions
Our regular 100% carbon construction paddle
Extra Light
A lighter, stiffer version approx 20 to 100 g lighter than standard
Kevlar tips for durability for rugged conditions
Reinforced for reverse forces of bracing and current in all waters
A softer, more forgiving performance blade
Carbon 60
Durable, slightly heavier softer blade at a lower price
Down River
Edge of the blade is reinforced with metal for severe conditions

Kevlar tipped for tougher conditions

For ocean or river with bracing and quick direction changes

Down river
Metal tipped blades and 18K down river shaft
The Braca VIII blades have a greater length compared to other blades. It’s crucial to ensure that when ordering your paddle, it’s sufficiently long to accommodate this additional blade length. This might entail ordering a paddle with a longer overall length than a Braca IV or XI paddle. If the overall length of your paddle is too short, the shaft itself may also be too short, causing your hands to be uncomfortably close together.
When you order a paddle you provide us with the total length in cm, for example 220 cm. The shaft length is the full length minus the blade length. If the blades are longer, such as Braca VIII, then the inner shaft length will be shorter than on an equivalent length Braca IV paddle.
Usually, we add about 10 cm to account for the extra blade length, the Braca VIII is about 7 cm longer, per blade, than standard wing paddles. You can compare dimensions here.
We can always shorten your paddle but we can’t make it longer without a new shaft.
Questions? Email Chris at Chris@FastPaddler.com with any questions.