Carbon Fiber Paddles
Mocke PFD and Paddling Gear in USA

Braca-sport® Canoe Paddles & Accessories
Braca-sport® is the leading paddle manufacturer in the world of sprint canoe. Braca-sport® has a complete line of Canoe Sprint paddles for competitive athletes, including child-sized paddles.
Braca-sport® Canoe Paddles & Accessories are available for purchase online here at FastPaddler.  Paddles with a price displayed are ready to ship! Any other canoe paddle can be special ordered.  What are the top canoe paddles in the USA? The Braca Canoe Uni Super Fat and Braca Canoe Children are most popular.  Braca Canoe Accessories are designed for training and racing  Canoe Pogies and Canoe Wristband can be purchased online.

Part of a Sprint Team? We can consolidate shipments to one location and send individual invoices to each athlete.

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