BRAČA-SPORT® Dragon Paddles
Dragons Paddles from Europe’s Top Carbon Paddle Company!
Braca-sport produces exceptional carbon fiber paddles for all sports. Braca is known for their kayak paddles that dominate the Olympics and World competitions and their Dragon paddles are made with the same focus on athlete performance!
Contact us for team buys,
Our Dragon Paddle Products
Select below for individual specifications and how to purchase Braca Dragon Paddles and Covers
Two Paddle Designs – Standard and Slim
Brača Dragon Paddles are available in 2 models: “Standard“ and “Slim Extra Light“. Both meet the IBDF regulations, with the “Slim Extra Light” having a slightly smaller diameter shaft (26mm vs 29.5mm for the Standard), and the “Slim Extra Light” is also slightly lighter by about 15 grams.
We stock both models, as well as fixed and adjustable shafts with 3 carbon handle options. We ship paddles expertly assembled with Braca industrial hot glue, facilitating easy part replacement if for any reason a blade, shaft or handle needs to be replaced.

Certified for IDBF
Brača Dragon paddles complies with the IDBF Paddle Specification 202a and is licensed or approved for competition use under the IDBF Governing Bodies Standard Racing Paddle Approval Scheme.
Brača Dragon paddles are authorized for use in championship events, and all formal Sport Racing competitions, that is, those races held under the Competition Regulations and Racing Rules of the IDBF and its Members, and for any kind of informal competition, training or general dragon boating.

Dragon Paddle Shafts
In addition to fixed lengths, all Brača Dragon paddles are available with a Plastic I type Adjustable Shaft System. This allows elegant adjustment of overall paddle length (within 2inch/5cm range).
When ordering a paddle enter the paddle length. For a fixed length paddle enter the max and min length in inches or cm, for example 48 inches or 120 cm. For an adjustable paddle enter the paddle minimum length and paddle maximum length. The adjustable paddle has a 5 cm range which is approx 2 inches.
Example of adjustable length order:
48 to 50 inches
120 to 125 cm

Contact us for Quantity Discounts for Team Purchases
5- 9 paddles: 5%
10+ paddles: 10%