Best Surfski and Paddling Apparel – Tops
The Best Shirts & Jackets for Paddling Designed especially for paddling these tops perform exceptionally well across [...]
Apparel On Sale Now
Sale on Apparel Designed for Paddlers If you're looking for a bargain on paddling appael we [...]
We’ve Got Mocke PFD’s In Stock
Introducing Mocke PFD's and Accessories at FastPaddler Your Content Goes Here [...]
A New Low Profile Pogie
Braca Pogies are designed for competition and training in cool weather. We have [...]
Blue Racing Kayak Spray Skirts are Back in Stock
We just received more blue racing spray skirts for both S/M and L/XL sizes.
Hi Vis Paddle Decals!
High visibility decals available now with: Braca IV Braca IV Carbon 60 Braca XI Matte [...]
Best Thing About Low Profile Kayak Pogies – They Stay Open
Lightweight easy-on, easy-off pogies are designed for quick portages but are also ideal for light protection in cool weather
Why we love Braća-sport spray skirts (and why you will too!)
Racing, touring or training, we've got you covered with Braca spray skirts. Braca Spray skirts are exceptionally well-made and designed specifically for racing cockpits and larger touring cockpits.
DK Rudders for Surfskis
Don Keisling manufactures custom rudders for all types of surf skis. The 4" and 7" are the most popular sizes ordered. Contact Don with your boat and paddling experience info.
Rock and Roll with Braca Carbon Handles!
Braca makes 3 carbon handles for Stand Up and Dragon paddles. Each paddle is ergonomically designed for a different effect and all have subtle rounding to make them comfortable and effective. All handles are hot-glued so it is really simple to glue in a replacement.