20+ Paddles Added to Bargains
Like-New Paddles, Used Surfski Paddles and Demo Carbon Wing Paddles and Accessories Dozens of Paddles added [...]
Introducing New 720 Blades for the IV and XI!
720 - A Great Addition to Braca Blade Size Choices! The Braca IV and XI [...]
Kayak and Surfski Equipment for Lighter Athletes
The Best Kayaking Equipment for Lightweight Paddlers If you're a smaller sized, lightweight performance kayaker, you [...]
Best Surfski Paddles
Selecting the Best Surfski Paddles A high-quality carbon surfski paddle is essential for any serious competitor. [...]
New Braca IV Size – 750!
Announcing New Braca IV 750 Paddle, In Stock Now. Braca has added a new [...]
New Smallest Size for Braca XI Van Dusen ’92 – 675!
The Braca XI lineup gains a new small blade in the smallest size, the 675. Available [...]